World Computer Congress - Brisbane 2010

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World Computer Congress - Brisbane 2010

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In particular the theme of CIP acknowledges that all basic or national critical infrastructures themselves, from electrical power systems to telecommunications structures to water/sewerage systems and so on, whether owned and operated by the public or private sector, depend fundamentally upon a national and critical information infrastructure .... More >>

Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIP)

At the 50th anniversary of the formation of the International Federation for Information Processing the simple fact that national economies and international commerce alike have become totally dependent upon the reliable and secure operation of national and global information infrastructures has been accepted.

From the early days of 1960, with a perceived competitive advantage through computer usage, to today’s acknowledgement of total dependence upon computer systems and integrated data networks on a global scale, the realization that the emerging digital economy in nation states as well as national security and societal well-being depend upon necessary critical information infrastructures has been accepted by governments and all enterprises worldwide.

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